Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rabbi Miller: The greatest peril to our nation today is the State of Israel

Rabbi Avigdor Miller, 1974

The greatest peril to our nation today is the State of Israel because you have today an organized group of atheists, they are atheists -- and they are not just atheists like the man in the street is an atheist who doesn’t care -- they are interested in wiping out Torah Judaism from the world. And they have today more power than any atheist ever had before. It’s the power of a nation….People in America are asleep. They don’t have any idea what is taking place. They think that these Orthodox Jews are too pious, too extreme. And the people in Israel, or the government, they don’t mean any wrong, they want to build up the state, only they are not Orthodox, but they have nothing against Orthodoxy. Nothing is further from the truth. They are actively interested in stamping out every vestige of Torah. They don’t want any Judaism. They want a brand new kind of ideology called Israel. (Rabbi Avigdor Miller, “001 - Singing in the World,” 1:25:45)

Rabbi Avigdor Miller, 2000

Some people are proposing to take frum boys into the army in frum regiments. You should know that it’s a shtus. The army is made לכתחילה for the purpose of changing the minds of the boys in the army. It’s a statement they made long ago. It’s very long. And it’s only a trick that they are using now to deceive the frummah into entering the army. (Rabbi Avigdor Miller, “E-253-Fortunate Are You,” 1:15:52)


The news, 2024

Attorney General: 3,000 haredim must be immediately drafted into IDF

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara says following Supreme Court ruling that haredi students cannot avoid IDF service that thousands of haredim must be drafted immediately, more must be drafted in the future.

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