Sunday, October 30, 2022

Rav Avigdor Miller on Marrying a Convert



Based on what the Rav spoke about tonight, about how Avraham Avinu was careful to take a wife for Yitzchok only from his family and not from any of the converts he had made, would the Rav say that it’s proper to avoid being mishadeich with a giyores?

Let me tell you something. To my knowledge, there have been sometimes cases of a giyores who have produced the best families of talmidei chachomim. Many fine, beautiful families began with a giyores

Only that Avraham Avinu, at that time, was concerned with the future of a nation that didn’t even exist yet. He was creating a new nation. And therefore, it was imperative that he choose the best mother possible to be the mother of that entire nation. 

But today, the nation exists already. The Am Yisroel already exists and therefore it’s different. And Rus is the model of a giyores that produced one of the best. If not for Rus, you wouldn’t have Tehillim and you wouldn’t have the Beis Hamikdash. It was Dovid Hamelech who was the one who made the plans for the Beis Hamikdash. And if not for Rus, you wouldn’t have Shlomo and you wouldn’t have Mishlei. So many of the wonders of our nation – Tehillim, Mishlei, Koheles, Shir Hashirim are all because of a giyores. And many other achievements as well.

So today, there’s no problem with marrying a giyores. And many times you’ll find that she was one of the best. The very best! 

However, if all things are equal and there are plenty of other choices and you can marry a girl who comes directly from Avraham Avinu, then naturally that’s first. That’s the first choice. But sometimes your best shidduch will be the giyores who has chosen out of her own free will to join our People. And you’ll be successful raising a fine family with a wife who is a giyores
TAPE # E-165


  1. That is such a reassuring, inspiring message, thank you for posting it. Perhaps some of our marriages occur to draw our husbands back closer to Hashem, as we wives learn and practice.

    1. Oh there's so much haskacha pratis that goes on in life. People have no idea. It takes many surprising forms.
