Friday, June 10, 2022

electric scooter

 HaGaon HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi, a leading Sefardic Posek in Eretz Yisroel, called electric scooters “horrible killing devices” in response to a question about a recent tragic accident in Israel.

HaRav Mutzafi was asked about the recent incident in Petach Tikvah, during which a 13-year-old was killed after being hit by a car while he was riding an electric scooter. The same evening, another resident of Petach Tikvah, a 30-year-old avreich who was injured while riding on an electric scooter last week, passed away.

HaRav Mutzafi referred to the incident: “There’s no police, there’s no deterrence, no governance. Day after day, we witness boys ‘flying’ back and forth at the most congested intersections with these horrible killing electric scooters. There’s not even a shadow of a police presence and nissim occur that no one is injured or killed, but today it happened.”

“I suggest to every parent who has a son or daughter who owns an electric scooter or bike to hang a list of those killed by these destructive devices in a central place in their homes and to warn their household members about these incidents. And the Borei Olam should bring peace on us and all of Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Friday, June 3, 2022

Rav Yehuda Mandel

In Novardok, they used to say that the best chinuch is when a child or talmid observes good middos. People don’t realize when disciplining others how much one’s own Ga'ava, Ka'as, and

Ak'shanus, get involved. Rav Yehuda Mandel says that R' Nosson Wachtfogel Zatzal told him that a m'chanech needs good middos. Rav Mandel says that Novardokers pride themselves on their ability to tolerate chutzpah. Rather than be bothered by it, they shteig in working on their own middos.

Rav Yehuda Mandel, of Bitachon Weekly

Norvodick Musar

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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Baruch Dayan Emes -- Rabbi Uri Zohar z'l

Rabbi Uri Zohar, the former secular Israeli media celebrity turned Orthodox Jewish scholar, gave the following advice in an interview with two young Jewish men:

I hope very much that you also listen to someone who is experienced. I know what you are talking about. But I wish to Hakodesh Baruch Hu that you will know what I’m talking about. Look into the Torah. Have something stable in learning every day. And don’t learn what you don’t feel you are close to. Learn whatever you want. אין אדם לומד תורה אלא ממקום  שלבו  חפץ  You learn what your heart pulls you to learn. It can be halacha. It can be Chumash. It can be Gemarah. It can be Mishnayos. It can be Midrash. Whatever. But don’t leave the Torah. This is life. Torat Chaim.[1]

[1] Rabbi Uri Zohar, interview on “From Israeli Film to Bnei Brak Gadol - Rabbi Uri Zohar | Meaningful People #45,” 20:20-20:56.