Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Bicycles are also a menace

"So when you're crossing the street in addition to using your eyes to look both ways, even on a one way street by the way look both ways because boys with bicycles are also a menace, or girls with bicycles today, it's a menace, so look both ways, even on a one way street, but at the same time, use your ears."

Rav Avigdor Miller, "Service by Ear", Tape #231 24:33

Friday, March 19, 2021

with love even toward

 Netziv, intro to Bereishis-

The Avos conducted themselves with love even toward idol worshippers.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Rabbi Isaac Breuer on Rabbi SR Hirsch - Alan Brill

Rabbi Isaac Breuer on Rabbi SR Hirsch

In the discussion of Rabbi Grunfeld in a prior post, the contrasts with Rabbi Isaac Breuer were not immediately obvious to my readers. To further discussion, Rabbi Isaac Breuer wrote a 15 page essay on the importance of his grandfather Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.  (Jewish Leaders ed. Leo Jung, pp 163-177). The essay does not claim to be Breuer’s views but those of Hirsch.

Breuer paints Hirsch as a revolutionary great man directing history to move forward.  In fact, Breuer declares every great historical personality is a revolutionary figure. True Jewish revolutionaries do not rebel against God’s law but against the material social conditions, which have to be overthrown to change. The revolutionary masters the new conditions – and then break the mold in advance of the rest of his generation.  Other nations may rebel against their religion or law but the Jewish revolution keeps the law as eternal. The law is Divine, not the will of the people. Just as one cannot rebel against the laws of nature we cannot rebel against the Divine law.


Rabbi Isaac Breuer on Rabbi SR Hirsch | The Book of Doctrines and Opinions: (

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Subterfuge and misdirection to conceal

from Wikipedia

To achieve their purposes, all death camps used subterfuge and misdirection to conceal the truth and trick their victims into cooperating. This element had been developed in Aktion T4, when disabled and handicapped people were taken away for “special treatment” by the SS from “Gekrat” wearing white laboratory coats, thus giving the process an air of medical authenticity. After supposedly being assessed, the unsuspecting T4 patients were transported to killing centres. The same euphemism “special treatment” (Sonderbehandlung) was used in the Holocaust.[40]

The SS used a variety of ruses to move thousands of new arrivals travelling in Holocaust trains to the disguised killing sites without panic. Mass deportations were called “resettlement actions”; they were organised by special Commissioners and conducted by uniformed police battalions from Orpo and Schupo in an atmosphere of terror.[41][42] Usually, the deception was absolute; in August 1942, people of the Warsaw Ghetto lined up for several days to be “deported” to obtain bread allocated for travel.[43] Jews unable to move or attempting to flee were shot on the spot.[44] Even though death in the cattle cars from suffocation and thirst was rampant, affecting up to 20 percent of trainloads, most victims were willing to believe that the German intentions were different.[45] Once alighted, the prisoners were ordered to leave their luggage behind and march directly to the “cleaning area” where they were asked to hand over their valuables for “safekeeping”. Common tricks included the presence of a railway station with awaiting “medical personnel” and signs directing people to disinfection facilities. Treblinka also had a booking office with boards naming the connections for other camps further east.[46] (Wikipedia)[77]

The Nazis disguised their “Final Solution” as the mass “resettlement to the east”. The victims were told they were being taken to labour camps in Reichskommissariat Ukraine. In reality, from 1942 on, for most Jews, deportations meant only death at either Bełżec, Chełmno, Sobibór, Majdanek, Treblinka, or Auschwitz-Birkenau. Some trains that had already transported goods to the Eastern front on their return carried human cargo bound for extermination camps.[18] The plan was being realized in the utmost secrecy. In late 1942, during a telephone conversation, Hitler’s private secretary Martin Bormann admonished Heinrich Himmler, who was informing him about 50,000 Jews already exterminated in a concentration camp in Poland. “They were not exterminated – Bormann screamed – only evacuated, evacuated, evacuated!”, and slammed down the phone, wrote Enghelberg.[19] (Wikipedia)[78]
Sonderkommandos (in German: special unit) were work units made up of German Nazi death camp prisoners, usually Jews, who were forced, on threat of their own deaths, to aid with the disposal of gas chamber victims during the Holocaust. However, many also assisted in coaxing Jews into the gas chambers.

Auschwitz Camp Commandant Rudolf Höss reported that the first time Zyklon B pellets were used on the Jews, many suspected they were to be killed – despite having been deceived into believing they were to be deloused and then returned to the camp.[52] As a result, the Nazis identified and isolated “difficult individuals” who might alert the prisoners, and removed them from the mass – lest they incite revolt among the deceived majority of prisoners en route to the gas chambers. The “difficult” prisoners were led to a site out of view to be killed off discreetly.

A prisoner Sonderkommando (Special Detachment) effected in the processes of extermination; they encouraged the Jews to undress without a hint of what was about to happen. They accompanied them into the gas chambers outfitted to appear as shower rooms (with nonworking water nozzles, and tile walls); and remained with the victims until just before the chamber door closed. To psychologically maintain the “calming effect” of the delousing deception, an SS man stood at the door until the end. The Sonderkommando talked to the victims about life in the camp to pacify the suspicious ones, and hurried them inside; to that effect, they also assisted the aged and the very young in undressing.[53]

To further persuade the prisoners that nothing harmful was happening, the Sonderkommando deceived them with small talk about friends or relations who had arrived in earlier transports. Many young mothers hid their infants beneath their piled clothes fearing that the delousing “disinfectant” might harm them. Camp Commandant Höss reported that the “men of the Special Detachment were particularly on the look-out for this”, and encouraged the women to take their children into the “shower room”. Likewise, the Sonderkommando comforted older children who might cry “because of the strangeness of being undressed in this fashion”.[54]

Yet, not every prisoner was deceived by such psychological tactics; Commandant Höss spoke of Jews “who either guessed, or knew, what awaited them, nevertheless … [they] found the courage to joke with the children, to encourage them, despite the mortal terror visible in their own eyes”. Some women would suddenly “give the most terrible shrieks while undressing, or tear their hair, or scream like maniacs”; the Sonderkommando immediately took them away for execution by shooting.[55] In such circumstances, others, meaning to save themselves at the gas chamber’s threshold, betrayed the identities and “revealed the addresses of those members of their race still in hiding”.[56]

Once the door of the filled gas chamber was sealed, pellets of Zyklon B were dropped through special holes in the roof. Regulations required that the Camp Commandant supervise the preparations, the gassing (through a peephole), and the aftermath looting of the corpses. Commandant Höss reported that the gassed victims “showed no signs of convulsion”; the Auschwitz camp physicians attributed that to the “paralyzing effect on the lungs” of the Zyklon-B gas, which killed before the victim began suffering convulsions.[57]  Wikipedia[79]

Monday, March 8, 2021

He knows better!

"Now when a convert or a ba’al teshuva comes to the Jewish people, he has to know that he has to be a follower – he has to listen.  But sometimes a ba’al teshuva comes in and he takes over.  Right away he wants to teach all the old-time Jews how to be real Jews!  He knows better!  So what does he do?  He follows the models that he formed in the gentile world or in the non-religious world.  It happens."

Rav Avigdor Miller, TAPE # 30 (August 1973)

Sunday, March 7, 2021

More from the Israeli police state

from Chananya Weisman

Folks, this needs to go viral. Please send this to everyone. We need to expose what is really going on and blow the doors off this atrocity once and for all. 

Below is personal testimony from an Israeli Jew who recently returned to Israel from a business trip. His mother was a survivor, so all those who deny people the right to make Holocaust comparisons had best be quiet.

I spoke with him on the phone and this brave man gave me permission to share it with his name and his Facebook page. He is currently still being held captive in a detention center cynically referred to by the authorities as a hotel.

Videos of these places are starting to come out as well.  This is only the beginning if it doesn't stop now. 

Lawyers, do your lawyer stuff. People inside the system, start blowing your whistles.  Reporters, start really reporting.  Doctors and nurses, band together and go on strike.  Police officers, band together and refuse these immoral orders.  Regular people, protest like hell.

English translation follows the original Hebrew.

עדות אישית מהחזרה לארץ, נתב"ג
מכאן מצוטט
משרד הבריאות שלום
אתמול חזרתי לארץ לאחר חודשיים בתאילנד מטעמי עבודה קשרי משרד החוץ,
אני לא מחוסן ואני לא חליתי
לצערי -מסתבר.
כשהגעתי לשדה התעופה בנתב"ג היתה הרגשה של הנה המשלוח של היהודונים המטונפים מהגולה הגיעו . ואז החלה הסלקציה כמו בפולין בוורשה בכיכר השילוחים.
מי שחלה או חוסן אמרו לו ללכת ימינה ומי שלא חוסן נאלץ ללכת שמאלה .
ילדים, גברים, צעירים, זקנים, זקנות ואנשים שכל מה שרצו בחיים זה לחזור לארץ למשפחתם ולעבודתם כמובן שלאחר בידוד ביתי . והנה לאחר הסלקציה נפגשנו בשוטרי מדינת ישראל שממש דיברו לא יפה, דיברו בטונים צורמים שלא נעים בכלל לכל אוזן יהודי נורמלי . זה פשוט הזכיר לי בגרמניה את הרייך .
השוטרים היו גם עם משטרה סמויה וגם עם שוטרי מג"ב כמות יפה למשחק כדורגל היות ורק מדובר על 35 איש מהסלקציה .
היינו צריכים לעבור את מסע ההשפלה בוועדת חריגים , הרי התשובות ידועות מראש ומי שקצת מעד או הרים את קולו ישר הגיעו אליו שוטרי משטרת ישראל ושוטרי המג"ב , למען שיסתום את הפה אחרת או יאזק ויילקח למעצר או 5,000 ש"ח .
במיוחד צרם לי שאישה נשכבה על הריצפה מסרבת להתפנות ואז הגיעה המנהלת של וועדת חריגים בנתב"ג והתחילה לצרוח עליה שתקום מיד ותלך לבדיקת קורונה.
פשוט הזכיר לי שוטר גרמני שצורח על יהודיה בגטו.
לאחר וועדת חריגים סומנתי עם צמיד וורוד כיהודון שצריך בדיקת קורונה . סיטואציה לא נעימה שדוחפים לך מקל באף וכל אותם 50 איש מסתכלים עליי, אין אפילו פרטיות . ובמקרה היה ילד שבכה ואמא שלו השתיקה אותו כי נאמר לו שהמשטרה תבוא .
בתור יהודון טוב ששירת 30 שנה בצבא לקחתי את חפציי ועליתי לאוטובוס, הולכים בטור עם המזוודה נשים, זקנים, ילדים וגברים.
סיטואציה של גרמניה הנאצית
מי שמסרב לעלות לאוטובוס מקבל או אזיקים או דוח של 5,000 ש"ח, כמובן שאנחנו יהודונים טובים אז עלינו לאוטובוס למחנה ריכוז 'עץ הזית' שבירושלים -מלון מטונף עם שמיכות מימי הפלמ"ח, אוכל לא טרי וחדרים מעופשים, פשוט סירחון אחד גדול - אשמח לשלוח סרטונים.
אבל אנחנו יהודונים מטונפים עם חשש לקורונה ומתייחסים אלינו בהתאם.
פשוט בושה לממשלה, לפיקוד העורף ולמשטרת ישראל על התנהגות כלפי אותם יהודונים מטונפים שכל מה שרצו זה לבלות את הבידוד בביתם או בבית מלון שיותר טוב ממחנה הריכוז 'עץ הזית'.
בתודה עופר מנור יהודון גאה.

"Personal testimony from his return to Israel, Ben Gurion Airport, sent to the Israeli Ministry of Health.
Hence quoted:
Ministry of Health, Shalom.
Yesterday I returned to Israel after two months in Thailand for work reasons of Foreign Ministry Relations.
I am not vaccinated and I have not been ill… Unfortunately - it turns out.
When I arrived at the airport at Ben Gurion Airport, there was a feeling that "the shipment of the filthy Jews" from the Diaspora had arrived.
Those who were ill or resilient were told to go right and those who were not resilient were forced to go left.
Children, men, young people, old men, old women and people who all they wanted in life was to return to Israel for their family and work, of course after home isolation. And here after the selection, we met the policemen of the State of Israel who really spoke badly, spoke in jarring tones that were not at all pleasant to any normal Jewish ear. It just reminded me of the Reich in Germany.
The policemen were both with the undercover police and with the border police, a good amount for a football game though it was only about 35 people from the selection.
We had to go through the humiliation campaign in an exceptions committee, the answers are known in advance and whoever stumbled or raised his voice, straight came to the Israel Police and the Border Police, so that he would shut up or will be handcuffed and taken into custody or pay a fine of NIS 5,000.
I was particularly annoyed that a woman lying on the floor refused to vacate and then the director of the Ben Gurion Airport Exceptions Committee arrived and started screaming at her to get up immediately and go for a corona examination.
He reminded me of a German policeman screaming at a Jewish woman in the ghetto.
After an exceptions committee, I was marked with a pink bracelet as a Jew who needed a corona examination. An unpleasant situation that you are pushed in the nose and all those 50 people are looking at me, there is not even privacy. And by chance, there was a boy who was crying and his mother silenced him because he was told the police would come.
As a good Jew who served 30 years in the army, I took my belongings and got on the bus, walking in a column with the suitcase, women, old people, children and men.
Situation like in Nazi Germany...
Those who refuse to get on the bus receive either handcuffs or a fine of 5,000 NIS, of course we are good Jews so we got on the bus to the 'Olive Tree' concentration camp in Jerusalem - a filthy hotel with blankets from the Palmach days, not fresh food and musty rooms, just one big stench - I would love to send videos.
But we are filthy Jews with a fear of Corona and are treated accordingly.
It is simply a shame for the government, the Home Front Command and the Israeli police for behaving towards those "filthy Jews" who only wanted to spend the isolation in their home or in a hotel that is better than the 'Olive Tree' concentration camp."

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The mask is the egel - the parsha says it

Shemos 32:4: 

וַיִּקַּ֣ח מִיָּדָ֗ם וַיָּ֤צַר אֹתוֹ֙ בַּחֶ֔רֶט וַיַּֽעֲשֵׂ֖הוּ עֵ֣גֶל מַסֵּכָ֑ה

And if one reads it like a goy, left to right, it says the mask is a (golden) calf. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Not as a result of their own prowess

The people of Israel did not obtain the soil of this state, which his to be founded upon the Law of God, as a result of their own prowess. The soil was entrusted to them by God solely because they subordinated themselves obediently to His will.

This loyal obedience toward the Law of God will also be the only means of ensuring their material prosperity in the land. This thought is expressed, again and again, in terms of both the nation and its individual members, by the pilgrimages in the spring, summer and fall, and by Israel’s act of laying its first fruits at the feet of this Law.

Therefore, the people of Israel must not permit their contacts with the previous occupants of the land (which will be ceded to them only little by little) to delude them into the heathen notion, diametrically opposed to Judaism, that material prosperity is not dependent upon observance of the laws of morality, and that the forces of nature must be worshiped as sources of material prosperity. 

R' Samson Raphael Hirsch, , the Pentateuch, Shemos 23:20