Thursday, July 17, 2014

R' David Tevele Schiff, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom

"Chief Rabbi David Tevele Schiff (Hebrew: דוד טעבלי שיף‎; died December 17, 1791) was the chief rabbi of the United Kingdom and the rabbi of the Great Synagogue of London from 1765 until his death.

He was son of Solomon Schiff, member of a famous and learned family from Frankfurt am Main. His mother was Roesche, daughter of the quarrelsome Reb Aberle London. Tevele Schiff was educated in the schools of Rabbis Jacob Poper and Jacob Joshua Falk. He served as maggid in Vienna. He also was head of the Beth Midrash in Worms, and later dayan in Frankfurt.

After Hart Lyon left London in 1764 it was agreed that his successor should be appointed and maintained by the Great Synagogue and the Hambro' Synagogue jointly. However, they could not agree on a single name. The Great Synagogue appointed Rabbi Schiff on February 24, 1765, while the Hambro' Synagogue appointed Rabbi Israel Meshullam Zalman (who became known in England as Meshullam Solomon)."


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