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Washing Before or After Kiddush?
"After I published this to the web, I found a more elaborate (and scholarly) discussion of the topic on - similar conclusions, though the directions bringing us there are very different.
Having eaten at the homes of a number of "Yekkes" on shabbos, my wife and I have always admired the German custom to wash before the Kiddush, to allow for Kiddush to flow straight into the Hamotzi and the eating of bread. "Typical yekkes, find a way to be efficient in these meals by cutting corners." It's true. How many people finally figure out where everyone is going to sit, only to have everyone get up again to wash for the bread? A little bit of frustration is easily removed through there being only one "general seating."
I hadn't looked up the law in a while, so I opened up the Shulchan Arukh to find this [I left the notes that link to the comments I record below in bold, underlined]:
שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הלכות שבת סימן רעא" continue
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