"…Other disciplines are to be regarded as auxiliary; they are to be studied only if they are capable of aiding Torah study and are subordinated to it as the tafel to the ikkur. The Torah’s truths must remain for us what is absolute and unconditional, the standard by which to measure all the results obtained in other branches of knowledge. Only that which accords with the truths of the Torah can be accepted by us as true. The Torah should be our sole focus: All that we absorb and create intellectually should be considered from the perspective of the Torah and should proceed along its paths." (R' Samson Raphael Hirsch,19 Letters)
Film of Rav Breuer, 8:30
Audio of Rav Breuer from from the very first the concert of the KAJ Choir in 1955
Rav Breuer Speech. 1955
062 Devarim 1-Rav Hirsch's Approach to Chumash
19 Letters by Daniel Adler
Chukas- Rav Hirsch's approach to Parah Adumah
Classes at KAJ
Daniel Adler: Jewish Dietary Laws: Approaches to Examining Mitzvos
Daniel Adler: Jewish Dietary Laws: Introduction to the Series
Daniel Adler: Jewish Dietary Laws: Seating in Shul
Daniel Adler: Yom Tov Sheni
Daniel Adler: Mesorah Ashkenaz
Daniel Adler: Can Men and Women Sing Together
D Adler Tefillin on Chol HaMoed
Five Minutes a Day
Free German Language Course
Harav Shimon Schwab Zt''l On The Children Of Kedoshei Europa - Ninth Siyum Hashas
Henry Abramson: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (This Week in Jewish History) Jewish Heritage Tour of Germany by Rabbi Hershel Schachter- YUTorah.org
Lecture on Nusach (See Ashkenaz-Sfard)
Composer Louis Lewandowski
Sung by Chazan Michael Friedman
Lecho Hashem haGeduloh
Bircas haChodesh: Mi sheOsoh Nissim "Benno Weis was born in Frankfurt in 1910, where he learned the
nusach just by listening to the chazzon Benno Peisachowitz. Mr. Weis was
a baal korah and baal tefila in the Breuer shul in
Washington Heights for over 50 years. And had the foresight to record
these niggunim for the next generation. He taught approx 275 boys in the
fine art of kerias hatorah, and many people consulted him on
Frankfurter minhogim." Bio from daughter
Maintaining Orthodoxy in the New World (Dr. Levine)
Marc Shapiro: Shapiro-Architects_of_Modern_Orthodoxy-Parts 1 and 2
R' Hamburger on Development of Kaddish Yasom
R' Hirsch on Confronting Modernity, Dr. Robert Slater, YUTorah.org
R' Hirsch on the Parsha, Series, by Michael Guttman
Rabbinic Personalities: Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch
Rav Hirsch on Confronting Modernity
Rav Hirsch on Korbanos
Rav Hirsch on the Mishkan and Korbonos
Rav Hirsch's Approach to Cheshvan and Shmini Atzeres
Rav Hirsch: Optimism Against Pessimism
Rav Schwab: Internalizing Eternity 1992
Rav Schwab on Sefer Melachim
Recordings from R' Schwab
The Centurions 19h Century CE Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch
The Hirsch Chumash: An Appreciation of the Wisdom and Timelessness of His Classic Commentary R' Y. Frand
Torah Im Derech Eretz, Dr. Robert Slater, YUTorah.org
40,000 Graves at Old Jewish Cemetery in Frankfurt
Ashkenaz (Yekke) Approach to when Aleinu Ends (Daniel Adler)
Basel, Switzerland
Berlin 1900 in colour!!!!
Birchas Hachama - KAJ
Breuers 2gether youtube channel
Clips and Addresses of Rav Shimon Schwab
Rabbi Berel Wein - The Customs of Ashkenaz Part 1
Film about Mid-20th Century Breuers with footage of Rav Breuer
Chanuka at KAJ
KAJ Choir Pesach Concert
KAJ Choir, Purim
Lecture on R' Hirsch by Dr. Henry Abramson
Legacy Hirsch Channel
Lighting the Menorah at KAJ
Maharam of Rothenburg: The Perils of Jewish Leadership
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch Bio
Rabbi Shimon Schwab Tombstone (kever)
R' Shlomo Benyamin Hamburger on the Development of Ashkenaz
Classes by R' Yosef Chaim Schwab
Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch Dinner
Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch Dinner (circa 1990)
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner's Youtube Channel
harav yisroel mantel rav of kaj in Washington heights
Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch dinner video
Die Judengasse in Frankfurt
Destination: Frankfurt am Main
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