Those who should not move to Israel
(my opinion not that of Rav Hirsch; although I believe my words are compatible with the views of Rav Hirsch)
People who should not move to Israel
1. Jews
who are not Torah observant because they'll bring sin to the land.
Yeshivish or Chassidic people because the country wants to draft them into the
military, which is an anti-religious tyranny. As Rav Moshe Sternbuch phrased
it, "its fundamental purpose is drawing young people away from religion
and educating and accustoming them to 'unburden' them from the yoke of
Torah." Additionally, they are coming to a society that holds them in
contempt and discriminates against them in employment and other matters.
Haredi who lives in a decent Western country that honors religious freedoms and
allows them to earn a living should hesitate to move to Israel. It's not easy
living on the edge of society, feeling despised, getting glares, being screamed
at just for following a certain path in life. It can wear on you big
time. I have a Chassidic friend who was in a taxi where the radio played a
woman who was singing in a seductive manner. He asked the driver if he’d change
the channel. The driver cursed him and kicked him out of the cab all the while
demanding that he be paid for the part of the journey that they already
traveled. I was with this friend again yesterday. He asked a non-Haredi Israeli
for directions. The person said, “Don’t bother me.” The friend asked again
because we were in a construction area at night, and there was nobody else to
ask. The person screamed a profanity at him in Hebrew. This isn’t to say that
there are not some pleasant people here or that everyone who is abrasive isn’t
also capable of some kindness. But the unpleasant encounters are frequent and
oftentimes extreme to a degree that you are not going to find in Illinois more
than once or twice in your life.
On top
of that, Haredi schools don't participate in Ulpan-Hebrew language learning
programs, so any Haredi with children above the age of five certainly should
not come. The kids sit in school bored all day losing their minds and their
Much of
Haredi leadership and publishing comes out of Israel today, and idealistic
Haredim want to be near it. It's an understandable yearning. Some (far too
many) come to study here and fantasize about living here, not realizing that
being in school for a year in a Haredi or American Haredi enclave while being
supported by their parents in Far Rockaway is a far cry from living in this
lunatic asylum. I might have fun on a week long trip in the Amazon jungle, but
that doesn't mean I should try to become a tribesman there.
Middle of the road-Hirschian, American yeshivish, or right-wing YU people.
There are two reasons for this. The first is that they will be forced to move
more to the right because there's no middle of the road in Israel, and this
might not sit well with them religiously. It can get very lonely. Those who
move to the left often fall apart religiously because yeridah is unhealthy. The
children see the decline and that affects them enormously. The second is the
4. So
that leaves us with the Modern Orthodox. But many of those should not immigrate
to Israel. Which ones?
A) Those
with health issues as the health care system in Israel is far inferior to that
of Western countries. I know of people who died because they weren't brought to
the hospital on time, as the nearest one was an hour from their
B) Those
who don't have financial backing. An apartment here costs $700,000. A pair of
polyester pants that will fall apart in four months costs $70. In America you
can buy pants that will last ten years for $25. Not having financial backing
includes not having a profession that will transfer to Israel. And if you are
not fluent in Hebrew, that will be a problem for most professions.
People over thirty should not come -- unless they are coming with two million
dollars in retirement money -- because it is very difficult to acquire
proficiency in Hebrew after thirty. Even retirees who come should be prepared
to live in relative isolation in a country whose language they do not speak.
Don't believe the sales pitch that you are coming home to family, to your
brothers and sisters. What you are coming to is a relatively unfriendly society
that is rife with internecine battles. I have lived for years on the same floor
with Israeli neighbors who never spoke to me, never invited me into their homes
even once even as I tried to be friendly with them. When you try to be
friendly, they look at you as if there is something wrong with you.
People who don't know Hebrew and are not adept at learning languages should not
come. Anyone who tells you that Hebrew is not necessary because Israelis speak
English is deceiving you.
Israelis do not speak English. Most customer service people I have dealt with
do not speak English. Most government employees do not speak English. The same
with most store clerks, secretaries in the doctor's office, taxi drivers. They
don't speak English! This is not Norway, Belgium, or Switzerland. And official
documents, contracts, bank statements, scary letters from the government, and
even websites are in Hebrew. Sometimes, they'll be in Russian too. Do not
expect to see English. It's the same with phone lines. They are not in English.
People with children above seven. The transition is painful for them. Leaving
their friends is painful. You can put some real confusion in their minds, and
this can lead to confusion about religion, Heaven forbid. The streets are full
of teenage olim who left the religion. I have heard them staggering down the
street drunk, yelling in clear English. Learning a new language isn't easy for
anybody above five.
People with children who have health or emotional issues. Support for such
issues is far inferior in Israel. There's also lots of bullying here and such
children are the primary target. The bullying can be persistent and even
perverse, and the parents generally do nothing about it.
People who are either polite or sensitive by nature. People here tend to
be abrasive. Cashiers throw the receipt at you and slam your new light bulb on
the counter. There's no, "I'll be with you in a minute maam." A
sensitive person can feel most uncomfortable in this place. At the least, he
will not be able to be himself. The same applies to friendly people. Some of
the Chassidim can be very pleasant, but the Modern Orthodox person isn't likely
going to be dealing with them. You can say the same for honest, orderly, and
punctual people. Now if any of these Modern Orthodox people are hard-core
Zionists they might be able to put up with the Israeli style even if it
conflicts with their nature. But be careful with that. It's one thing to dream
about living in Israel, but you might find that your Zionism doesn't run as
deep as you think once you get here and see what the place is actually like.
People with family in Chutz. It puts tremendous strain on a family when family
members are living in two parts of the world. If you have an elderly relative,
it can be downright cruel to leave him or her behind. Same with a child who
needs support in his or her marriage or life in general.
People who don't have family in Israel. The standard sales line is "come
home." Home means family, but Israelis do not treat each other like
family. They are not friendly, and they easily become enemies. All you have to
do is utter one word that doesn't fit with their political opinions and they
cease speaking to you ever again. In general in the frum world, most people are
busy with family. They have no time for you. This is even worse in Israel. And
it doesn't help that people don't have big houses with guest rooms. For
example, to find a place to stay in Jerusalem is nearly impossible. I
accomplished this only once because I rented an apartment.
Baalei teshuvah. You are going through enough changes. Most aliyah salesmen are
frum from birth (frum because of parents) and moving to Israel doesn’t
represent as radical a change in life as it does for you. As you know, just
entering frum society is like moving to Mars. Moving to Israel is like moving
to another galaxy that is rife with Klingons. BTs shouldn’t even be thinking
about moving to Israel, even the rabid Zionists.
People with secular interests that are important to them. If you have a strong
interest in classical music, art, sports (other than soccer), the ocean – you
won’t be able to do much of this in Israel. There is ocean, but it's hard to
get to, and the separate beaches are few and tiny. You'll see 1,000 meters of
mixed beach and 50 meters of separate, everyone packed in there like clams.
There’s little culture. They don’t have libraries. Museums are difficult to get
to and don’t compare to those in America or Europe. You are thinking that a
country full of Jews should have all kinds of intellectual activity. Well, if
you want to design a new kind of gun or bomb you might find some people to talk
to. Much of the intellect here is redirected to military pursuits. You won’t
find a baseball field. You’ll find people who study the martial arts of course
but mostly as a combative tool rather than a philosophy.
So who
is left? Not that many people actually. You have some uber-Zionistic
aggressive Modern Orthodox types that can manage here. They are
Israeli already. Many are barely Orthodox, sort of Sabbath observant, not
tzniyus, don't respect gadolim. Their god was the state before they came, so
moving here doesn't change them significantly; although they become worse. I
have seen and interacted with lots of these people around town, on the trains
and buses, in stories, even at shiva visits. And if the parents are barely
religious, the children are even less. You look at the so-called religious sons
and try to figure out if they are wearing tzitzis or if they are able to put
down their smart phones. They become so Israeli, and macho. Let’s put it this
way, it’s to the left of the most modern part of Teaneck. I'm not hating on
them. Bless them, may they grow and prosper. I'm just warning you that the
division here of Haredi and Dati Leumi/Modern is extreme.
many of the uber-Zionists run around pressuring innocent Jews who aren't a
match for Israel to move to here. They'll tell you it's a chiyuv when it isn't.
They'll tell you that you are missing out on the mitzvah when it's likely that
you'll lose far more mitzvos than you'll gain by moving here. They'll tell you
that you are staying in chutz only for luxuries when there's a thousand valid
reasons not to move to Israel, and you likely aren't living in luxury in chutz
at all with the $50,000 in tuition bills. They are manipulating your idealism
and playing on your guilt.
Many of
these aliyah pushers are rabbis who get jobs leading American communities and
teaching in American schools. They are more religious on the surface than their
followers so you get fooled by them. Their source of income is American money,
which according to some poskim means that they do not get credit for yishuv
ha'aretz. They deal with Americans. They aren't really living in Israel. Many
of them come in their thirties or later and didn't have to deal with the
military, although their children do, and in their rabid zionistic zeal they
pretend that they have not put their kids through hell. In my opinion,
rabbis like this are some of the most disreputable and hypocritical hazards
that we have today. They ruin lives and don't really care. They are
oftentimes narcissists. I can think of ten names right off the bat. They are
problematic people who see themselves as wonderful people because they live in
Israel. And that's true of many here. The Torah gets replaced by a single
mitzvah, that isn't even a chiyuv. The sentiment is that living in Israel alone
makes you a tzadick, when in actuality it can bring you down. The satan is so
Part of
their trickery is to tell you that criticism of anything in Israel is the sin
of the spies (actually the scouts as Rabbi Soloveitchik calls them), as if the
Torah doesn’t allow you to use facts and logic when making life decisions when
it involves the secular state of Israel. Meanwhile, the Baba Sali came here and
left three times because of his displeasure with the state of affairs here. He
only stayed in the end at the advice of the Lubavitcher Rebbe who thought it
would be an opportunity for him to work with Sephardic youth. So obviously, he
had criticisms of the place as have many gadolim including the Brisker Rav, the
Chazon Ish, and the Steipler.
commanded the Jews of the Midbar to enter Eretz Yisroel. He didn’t command us.
This entire religion is built around what Hashem commands and what He does not.
There’s a world of difference between us and them. One shouldn't make up his
own mitzvos based on shallow readings of Tanach. We also don't bring korbonos
anymore. Not everything applies at all times.
that, they were not coming to mingle with the Canaanites. They were coming to
displace them. But people who come to Israel today aren’t coming to chase the
Israelis from the land. Rather, they will live under Israeli rule. And Hashem
didn’t make any promises that they’d succeed. Generally, we should run from bad
environments as even the best people are vulnerable.
Netziv says that while Avraham’s ability to prophesize was actually more
advanced than that of Sarah, his ruach hakodesh was not as strong because he
was affected by his involvement with the people of his city during his kiruv
work while she lived protected in the tent. So Avraham, who was the pinnacle of
a person who overcame his environment, was affected by his environment.
about us? We have to examine all the factors before making big moves for our
families. Don’t allow aliyah salesmen to confuse you with their manipulation of
the Torah. Moving to Israel isn’t this wonderful action if only you can find a
way to earn a living. It may be a terrible action even if you can find a way.
Research. Weigh out all the factors. Don’t believe a word that Nefesh b’Nefesh
tells you because they are terribly deceptive. They paint a picture of paradise
in Israel and grossly exaggerate any assistance that they'll provide because in
reality they provide close to zero assistance. Before you to move to Israel,
Nefesh b'Nefesh pop ups are all over your computer screen. After you move, they
disappear. All we got was the assignment of a buddy family that never made the
time to meet with us. So we asked for another one and they also were never
available to meet with us. Zionists tend to be selfish people. But that's
another article.
This is
not to say that life in Israel is a living hell for the people there, but
rather than it can be a living hell for people who move here. If you already
live in a nice, affluent, democratic society, don't take it for granted. And
don't believe all the nonsense about the world not being safe for Jews while
Israel is. People get killed by terrorists here every week. It is not safe at
all in Israel. And it is doubly unsafe for soldiers as the IDF really doesn't
seem to care who gets killed, and it sends soldiers into harm's way without
So be
rational. Don't be a fool who buys the Chords Bridge. Proceed with
It is ridiculous to tell a young man, who does a good job, or has
prepared or trained himself to do a good job [here in the U.S., that he must
instead go to ארץ ישראל]. "Good
job" means to spread Torah, or to lead an exemplary life which serves as
an example to others through personal contact - there are many ways to convert
and educate Jews. I am not giving up on American Jews. If I feel that in my
town, or in my village, I will accomplish a lot, and when I come to Eretz
Yisrael so I or my influence will be reduced to zero, my place is here, not
there. Some who went to Eretz Yisrael achieved the same objectives they would
have in the Diaspora. But only some! I know of many who fail. They don't admit
it. It's nice on their part not to admit it. (Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, The
Rav Thinking Aloud, pp. 242-3).
Pretty devastating. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to write uncomfortable opinions. Can you point me to any essays you know of that address which authorities considered yishuv E"Y a mitzva, and which did not?
Rabbi Avi Zakutinsky, “The Mitzvah of Making Aliyah (Living In Israel) Today,” OU Torah, Practical Halacha,