Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Today's rally has been termed a "protest rally" where we are protesting the conscription decree, but the truth is that it is not only that but also a “publicity rally” to explain the Torah position concerning our duties at this time.

First of all, we have to realize a simple fact about the army in the State of Israel: it is not only a fighting army, like other armies around the world, but its fundamental purpose is draw young people away from religion and educate and accustom them to “unburdening” them from the yoke of Torah. As the wicked first Prime Minister said, "Our army is not only to fight wars, but also to put the new generation through the melting pot of the Zionist philosophy that with our own strength we will bring about our redemption".

The leaders of the government know that chareidim are not suitable for their army, and their only goal in recruiting yeshiva students is to corrupt us and acculturate us into their mores. They would have us become a nation like any other, and they would rather recruit one chareidi boy to the army than ten secular boys.

Just very recently, a man came to our yeshiva to try to convince the bochurim to go to the army. This conduct is certainly based on a hatred of religion and a desire to corrupt us, just like Amalek who came to fight against G-d. Rav Moshe Kordavero already wrote more than four centuries ago that the political leaders of the Jewish nation prior to the coming of Moshiach will be from the root of Amalek, and we see how his words are being fulfilled before our very eyes, since they are just like Amalek whose only intention is to abolish the Kingdom of Heaven. 

It is strictly forbidden for any Jewish man to go to the army. This is not a mere “custom” or virtuous conduct, but it is the halocho and daas Torah of all the gedolim. There is no difference between a Yeshiva student and a non-Yeshiva student, since the army is based on anti-religious principles, and is saturated with immorality and heresy. 

In order to overturn a decree against the Torah, we have to exercise mesirus nefesh (self-dedication), and therefore we have to stand up to them without any compromises, and to make it clear that we are willing also to be moser nefesh and not go to the army.

And the truth is that everything depends on us: if we remain strong that automatically weakens them and they become powerless, because we cannot be taken into the army by force; only if we act with weakness by telling them that we agree in principle that we have to go to the army, then they will become stronger and can forcefully demand the recruitment of Yeshiva students. 

Our troubles stem from those who obsequiously state that we agree that be recruited to the army, but we just need to come to some compromise between us, and they agree to hand over to them weaker boys who are not studying in yeshiva; therein lies the great danger.

The Tosefta in Terumos (7:20) says: "If Gentiles tell a group of people, “Give us one of you and we will kill him, and, if not, we will kill all of you, let them all be killed and let them not give over a single Jewish soul". Thus, it is forbidden to sacrifice one person for the sake of saving others, and if in the case of physical death Chazal ruled that it is preferable for everyone to die rather than give over a single person to be killed, then certainly in the case of spiritual death, is it is forbidden to agree to the army recruiting even someone who is not studying in a yeshiva. Even if that would result in bringing salvation to yeshiva students, it is forbidden to make any compromise with our holy Torah.

Those advocating compromise may feel that they are bringing about great salvation, but, in reality, the greatest danger actually stems from “compromises”, because those only encourage them to come closer to us and to insist on more compromises, whereas we have a tradition from or rabbonim in previous generations that we have to keep the greatest distance from them. That way we will be blessed with the ability to survive, whereas if we seek to come close to them, we expose the entire nation to great danger. 

Tonight we demand one thing from the authorities, "Leave us alone"! Let us live according to the Torah, which is more precious to us than anything.

And they should know that even if they impose financial burdens on us, we will not give up on a single boy, and even if they want to take us to prison, we will not give in, because we are the servants of G-d. We do not distinguish between a yeshiva student and someone who does not study in a yeshiva: even someone who is not privileged to be a ben Yeshiva, is beloved by G-d, and we must not abandon him to the army.

And to the Yeshiva bochurim I say, "You are not alone", and if, G-d forbid, they want to take you to prison, we will all go together with great dedication. That way we will merit having the decree annulled. 

Our main fear is with regard to those weak boys who feel inferior for not going to the army, and who lack a holy pride for all their merits. Such boys might, G-d forbid, be enmeshed by the army at this time. Therefore, the spirit of bnei Torah currently needs to be elevated. Let them realize that we are truly protecting the inhabitants of the Holy Land, because according to natural assessments it is impossible to live here, since the Yishmaelites from all the surrounding countries want to consume us, and only the merit of Torah learning protects us supernaturally from their machinations.

Almost every day we hear about missiles that our enemies launch towards the Holy Land, causing almost no casualties, by the grace of Heaven. And just recently, Iran sent hundreds of bombs in one go, from which it was impossible to be saved by natural means. Only the Almighty saved us. All this is only due to the members of G-d’s army who study the holy Torah.

The authorities here in Eretz Yisroel are blind to the fact that they themselves are exposing the Jewish nation to danger by enacting decrees against the Torah.

Every yeshiva student needs to know that if he leaves G-d's army and joins their army, he is "shirking" G-d's army, and putting the nation into danger. 

During this current time of danger, when our enemies want to destroy us spiritually and physically, we have a special duty to examine our deeds and to repent.

In previous generations, during any time of trouble, the gedolim would meet to discuss what needed to be remedied. Therefore, during the current time, we should be fulfilling the following possuk (Devorim 4:30): "In your distress, when these things shall come upon you at the end of days, you shall return to Hashem your G-d, and hearken to His voice," and everyone should examine his deeds.

Chazal say (Sanhedrin 98b) "His disciples asked Rabbi Elazar what a person should do to be saved from the birth pangs of Moshiach, let him engage in Torah and charitable deeds", and the Chofetz Chaim explains that it does not say "Let him learn Torah and do charitable deeds", but rather "let him engage (“ya’asok”) in Torah and charitable deeds". Torah study and a person’s charitable deeds should be treated like a “business” (“esek”) which he is involved in all day, and he often thinks about improvements he can make to his business. Only if Torah study and charitable deeds are not undertaken by chance, but are the main business of his life, can a person be guaranteed to be saved from the birth pangs of Moshiach. 

One final request: we are gathered here for a protest, but we must make sure the protest will not result in any laxity in Torah learning. After all, Amalek's entire power only arose because the Jews became lax in their Torah learning. Therefore, immediately after this gathering is over, everybody must return to their studies, since the Torah is the "sword" that we possess to be saved from any trouble, and may G-d help us to merit the complete redemption speedily in our days.


Based on droshos by Maran HaGaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita, Gaavad of Yerushalayim. To receive these weekly divrei Torah email

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