Monday, June 8, 2020

Parshas Vayechi - Linked davar Torah from

Managing Jewish Pride1
Into their councils my will may never enter; with their gatherings my honor may not be identified…Cursed be their anger, for it is strong, and their wrath for it is harsh. I will separate them within Yaakov, and I will disperse them in Yisrael.
Yaakov’s blessing of his sons amounts to the first major testament to the future Jewish nation. We should expect some surprises.
Ruvain was passed over for leadership because he displayed too little self-confidence and assertiveness. Shimon and Levi, in turn, forfeit the mantle of leadership for showing too much.
Yaakov curses their anger. Yet, at the same time he hits that their anger is not in and of itself a curse but a blessing.

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