Sunday, March 1, 2020

Replacement of Recombivax lead to decline in deaths

A cyber attack forced Merck, a vaccine maker, to stop production of Recombivax, a Hep B vaccine that inexplicably is given to newborns even if their mothers don't test positive for Hep. B, a sexually transmitted disease (for example Chassidish women). In the ensuing shortage of the vaccine, the CDC asked GlaxoSmithkline to supply its Hep B vaccine Engerix-B instead. As it turns out, several SCIENTISTS (you hear that SCIENTISTS) had been questioning the safety of Recombivax due to its use of the highly immunogenic adjuvant, Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulphate (AAHS). Gardasil and Recombivax are the only vaccines licensed to contain AAHS. 

And guess what happened? Deaths from Hep. B declined that year by a rate of 75%

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