Thursday, February 6, 2020

Should we be sad when goyim suffer or die?


Should we be sad when goyim suffer or die?


When goyim suffer, Hakadosh Baruch Hu is sad. Ma'sei Yudei tovim bayam, Hashem is sad. What should we do? We should say Hashem is sad, that's enough. Don't spend any money on it, because there are plenty of poor Jews that need your money. Now, when an ambulance passes by, you should always say a tefilla. If it's chalila a Jew inside, say Hakadosh Baruch Hu should send him a refuah shleima.

     Now, if an Italian would hear me say this, and he asks, why don't you say this prayer for Italians too? So I say, do you pray if an Italian passes by in an ambulance? Do you pray for an Italian? You don't pray for your fellow Italian, so why should I pray for Italians? Therefore, you are mechuyov to pray for your fellow Jews. If you hear an ambulance, don't ignore it! It's making a wailing sound, it's crying out for help – maybe it's a Jew? Therefore pray that he should have a refuah shleima, if it's a Yisroel.

     Hakadosh Baruch Hu is different. Hakadosh Baruch Hu has kavayochol tzar when a person has any tzar at all; ma'sei Yudei tovim bayam.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #510


  1. 1) "Hashem is sad"

    Imitatio Dei, we are supposed to be imitate Hashem, as Chazal say, מה הוא רחום וחנון אף אתה רחום וחנון, וכו.

    2) The halacha is that we give charity to others along with those of our nation.

    1. "You should pray for the welfare of the whole world and feel other's pain. This is the way of the righteous. David HaMelech said, "And I, when they were ill, dressed in sackcloth, I afflicted myself with fasting." (Tehillim 35:13) Do not pray and beseech God only for your own needs. Pray also that all humanity should live in peace. When there is peace among governments, there is peace in the world."

      Rabbeinu Yona of Girona, on Pirkei Avos 3:2. Rabbeinu Yona, d. 1263, who is referenced several times in Tosfos, was the teacher of the Rashba. He is the author of the classic Gates of Repentance.
