Monday, July 15, 2019

Rabbi Reuven Bauman ז"ל

The kevuro of Rabbi Reuven Bauman ז"ל will take place at approximately 4:00 this afternoon in King Solomon Cemetery in Passaic.

If you would like to honor the memory of Rabbi Bauman with a donation to KAJ, please click on Memorial Donation

People may listen to the levayo on the phone at 712-770-4160, access code 271789#.  

Rabbi Bauman, a rebbi in a day school and camp in Norfolk, Virginia, drowned last week Tuesday off the coast of nearby Sandbridge Beach, Virginia, (just south of Virginia Beach) while rescuing a camper who had been pulled into the surf by a massive current.

From Hamodia:

A colossal search effort was undertaken by the Coast Guard, local police and other authorities, and many volunteers and organizations from Jewish communities across the Northeast.
Chaveirim of Rockland, Misaskim of Maryland, Baltimore Shomrim, Achiezer, COMMSAR, Misaskim of Greater Washington and Chaveirim of Lakewood participated in the recovery operation, along with numerous individuals from the Norfolk Jewish community and beyond.
Finally, on Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Bauman’s body was found at sea eight miles from where he had been swept under by a riptide, enabling him to be brought to kevuras Yisrael, and his family to mourn him by sitting shivah.
Rabbi Bauman, 35, who had dedicated his life to teaching Torah, was a source of monumental Kiddush Hashem in death, as locals marveled at how the Jewish community mobilized in the aftermath of the tragedy.
One woman, watching the volunteers on the beach, remarked, “I see you have a really strong community.”

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