As I have mentioned, in my view there's little Torah Im Derech Eretz in Eretz Yisroel. Militarism is the biggest reason for this. Draft exemption rules require that a man never work a day in his life in order to be exempted from the draft. So while people like to complain about Charedim not working, they need to know a big cause of that is the draft, perhaps the primary cause. So why don't Charedim just go to the army? Answer is because the environment is not kosher in about 50 different ways.
One would think that having a country full of Jews would allow for TIDE. However, that would only apply if it's a religious country, which it definitely is not.
Nevertheless, now and again, little slivers of Torah Im Derech Eretz surface. Next month in Jerusalem, the Taub Center is hosting a series of lectures on the Israeli labor market. The Taub Center is a non-profit non-governmental social policy organization. It seems to be fashioned like an American organization, hence the TIDE. Here are some details on the event:
The Herbert M. Singer
Annual International Policy Conference
Envisioning the Future
of Israel’s Labor Market
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem
The conference will
be conducted in Hebrew and English with simultaneous translation
Motty Elisha, Head of
Employment, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services
Prof. Avi Weiss, President,
Taub Center
First Session: Productivity, High
Tech and the Start-Up Nation
Chair: Prof. Avi Weiss, President, Taub
Keynote Lecture: Prof. Eugene Kandel, Hebrew University, CEO Start-Up Nation
Dalia Narkis, Chair, Manpower
Michal Tzuk, Former Deputy of
Employment, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services
Additional speakers to be announced
Second Session: The Geographical
Matching and Concentration of Firms, Workers and Places of
Chair: Prof. Eric Gould, Chair, Labor Policy
Program, Taub Center
Keynote Lecture: Prof. Edward Glaeser, Harvard University
MK Itzik Shmuli (The
Zionist Union)
Efrat Dagan, Global Staffing
Lead, Google
Lunch (Dairy)
Behind the Scenes with an Arab
Israeli Start-Up Founder
Taub Center Podcast Launch
Aziz Kaddan, CEO and
Co-Founder, Myndlift
Third Session: Workforce Diversity
Chair: Yulia Eitan, Head of the Employment
Administration for Special Populations, Ministry of Labor, Social
Affairs and Social Services
Rivi Beller, CEO, VeHadarta
Moishi Friedman, Co-Founder
and CEO, Kamatech
Ayman Saif, Former Head of
the Authority for the Economic Development of the Arab, Druze and
Circassian Sectors, Prime Minister’s Office
Space is limited, and advanced
registration is required
For directions to the event with
parking options, click