Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Rabbi Meir (MaHaRaM) Schiff

"The famed Posek and Talmud commentator, Rabbi Meir ben Rabbi Yaakov Schiff, lived only about thirty six years. Yet even during this short lifespan he attained high standing among the great Rabbis and Talmudic scholars of his time.

Rabbi Meir was born in Frankfort on the Abin about the year 5357 (1597). The family Schiff was one of the most prominent families in Frankfort, which had for many generations produced outstanding Rabbis and communal leaders, known both for their learning and wealth, for some of them were also successful financiers and bankers. One of the early ancestors of this family was Rabbi Yaakov Kohen-Tzedek Schiff, who was born about the year 1370, And was a Dayan (member of the Beth-Din) of Frankfort. His son Uri Faivush Schiff died at a ripe old age in 1481, according to his tombstone on the ancient Jewish cemetery in Frankfort. A later descendant, Meir Kohen Tzedek was the Parnas (head) of the community and died in 1626. Rabbi David Tevele HaKohen Schiff, who was elected Chief Rabbi of London in 1765 (d. 1792) was also a descendant of this family."


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