Wednesday, February 19, 2025

R. Lipshutz's Attitude towards Non-Jews Rav Yitzchak Blau

 Even without the holy words of our sages who told us this [i.e., that pious gentiles merit olam ha-ba], we would know this from our intellect because “God is just in all His ways and benevolent in all His deeds.”   We see that many pious gentiles recognize the Creator, believe in the divinity of Scripture, act compassionately toward Israel, and some have done great things for entire world.  The pious [Edward] Jenner invented the vaccine that saves tens of thousands of people from disease [namely, smallpox], death and disability.  [Sir Francis] Drake brought the potato to Europe, which has prevented famine on several occasions.   [Johannes] Guttenberg invented the printing press. 

Some of them never received their reward in this world, like the pious [Johannes] Reuchlin who risked his life to prevent the burning of the Talmud, which had been commanded by Emperor Maximilian in 1509 due to the incitement of the apostate [Johann] Pfefferkorn, who made an evil accord with the priests.  Reuchlin exerted every effort to oppose this and convinced the Emperor to retract this decree.  Due to this, his enemies the priests pursued him and made his life bitter until he died under pressure with a broken heart.  

Could you imagine that these great deeds will not be rewarded in olam ha-ba?  God does not withhold the reward of any creature.  Even if you say that these pious ones who keep the seven Noachide commandments would not have the status of a ger toshav (resident alien) because they never made a formal acceptance before a court or because we do not accept gerei toshav in our day, since they do not act like Esau, they have a portion in olam ha-ba.

R. Yisroel Lipshutz, author of  "Tiferes Yisrael" on the Mishnah

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

How does one identify his life mission

How does one identify his life mission? We discussed that one should utilize his unique talents, but that isn't all. Another way is to see what you enjoy doing and where your heart pulls you. Hashem placed this desire into your heart because He wants you to excel in that realm. The Netziv (Haamek Davar 15:39) writes, "If someone will ask you: Which approach of Torah study should I follow, and which mitzvos should I focus on the most? Reply (Koheles 11:9), לבך בדרך והלך,' Follow your heart.' The place where your heart pulls you is a sign that your mazal understands this is a good path for your soul."

Rabbi Elimelech Biderman, Torah Wellsprings - Bamidbar, 5783.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Even one drop of innocent blood spilled

 "The land of the Law of God exists for the sake of human beings. Its most precious product, the purpose and goal of all the blessings bestowed upon it by God is every human soul that it nurtures and thus consecrates for the realization of God's law. The land is given to all the people only under the condition that they will regard every human life, which is sacred to the Law, as sacred and inviolable. Even one drop of innocent blood spilled unnoticed will drop a stitch form the bond that binds the land to the nation and both the land and the nation to God."

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888), Numbers 35:10

Monday, December 2, 2024

No moving to Israel in Chabad

 …the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, published a piece, or had a farbrengen and they published it in which he said that Eretz Yisroel is wherever you make it. In other words, 770 is our Eretz Yisroel. And therefore, in Chabad ideology, there’s no need to go on Aliyah. If you are already living in the land of Israel, you are not supposed to leave. And it is the Holy Land, but there’s no notion of Aliyah not only obviously as an obligation but even as something that you should strive for, something beneficial because as the Lubavitcher Rebbe said, to Menachem Mendel this is our Eretz Yisroel. Wherever you make Torah, wherever you create a Torah environment that’s Eretz Yisroel.

Dr. Marc Shapiro, “Shapiro-Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin-Part 2.mp3,” 3:04, Torah In Motion.